First in case you messed up with the lxd by creating cluster,and now you are unable to access the lxd daemon,
because your IP has changed,
If you don’t have any critical information stored in any of the lxd instances, you can simply remove all the files, under,


by running,

sudo rm -rf /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/database/*

And thereafter running lxd init again to configure new workflow.


List remote repositories that make images available:

lxc remote list

And to see which images are available on a particular remote repository:

lxc image list <remote_name>:
lxc image list images:

Copy the image from the remote repository to local
The only way to pull images to local repo is to copy from remote end.

lxc image copy images:ubuntu/22.04/amd64 local: --alias ubuntu

Launch a container from image, pull image if not exists:

lxc launch ubuntu container-name

Creating a New Container:

lxc init ubuntu my-container

Starting a Container:

lxc start my-container

Stopping a Container:

lxc stop my-container

Delete a container:

lxc delete container-name

List storage pools(You can’t run anything if there is no storage pool, as it doesn’t create automatically like docker does)

lxc storage list

Create a storage pool to be used by containers/vms:
Here, the preferred storage driver in my case is dir, others are btrfs etc.

lxc storage create storage-name dir source=/var/snap/lxd/common/lxc/storage-pools/storage-name

To launch or init a container in a particular storage pool:

lxc launch ubuntu container-name -s mystoragepool

lxc init ubuntu container-name -s mystoragepool

Make sure that you have freshly created pool, otherwise this won’t work, or the pool which is empty. Before you make any storage pool default for a profile(default is default), the profile looks like:

config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
devices: {}
name: default
used_by: []

and after change it will look like this:

config: {}
description: Default LXD profile
    path: /
    pool: local
    type: disk
name: default
used_by: []

So to configure the default storage for this profile, i.e to change the pool, you can either do it manually, by looking at the end result as above:

lxc profile edit default

and then change the pool name to the name that you want as default pool, while the path mentioned there is nothing but, relative path against the pool configured, so if storage pool you are using here is /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/local then the path is considered as root i.e /, meaning that if you configure path to be /containers, then the containers that you create using this profile, in term, using this default storage pool, the actual container directory will be created at /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/storage-pools/local/containers/<container-name> location.

As you can see above, there is no entry in the device section, so first we need to add a device called root so that it will used by default, and set it params, this is recommended way rather than editing the file manually,

lxc profile device add default root disk pool=local path=/

Here we are addding the device called root to the default profile and setting the pool to local, and path to / here. Here the type of device(root) is disk.

But if you have already the root device over there, simply edit its configuration if not suitable.
The recommended way to change this config is,

lxc profile device set default root pool=<pool_name>

Here, we are editing profile, so the lxc profile command,
next, we want to edit the devices section, so the device set,
next, the profile default one,
pool next, root means the device we want to configure and pool=<pool_name> means we are changing/adding that property.

Accessing a Container’s Console:

lxc console my-container

This is similar to getting a shell in the container with the exec command, but requires password for the user already set up.

Executing a Command Inside a Container:

lxc exec my-container ls -l

Adding a repository to the remote list:

lxc remote add --protocol simplestreams ubuntu

configure a vm/container:

lxc config edit vm/container

Creating Snapshots:

lxc snapshot my-container snapshot-1

Restoring from a Snapshot:

lxc restore my-container snapshot-1

Copying and Moving Containers:

lxc copy my-container my-container-copy
lxc move my-container my-container-renamed

Listing Containers:

lxc list

Displaying Container Information:

lxc info my-container

Configuring Container Properties:

lxc config set my-container limits.cpu 2

Creating a Bridge Network:

lxc network create my-network

Adding a Container to a Network:

lxc network attach my-network my-container

Listing LXD Networks:

lxc network list

Deleting a Network:

lxc network delete my-network

Cloning a Container:

lxc copy my-container my-container-clone

Exporting a Container:

lxc publish my-container --alias my-container-image

Importing an Exported Container:

lxc image import my-container-image.tar.gz --alias my-container-image

Uploading Files to a Container:

lxc file push /path/to/local/file my-container/root/path/in/container/

Downloading Files from a Container:

lxc file pull my-container/root/path/in/container/file /path/to/local/destination/

Simply add a recursive flag -r in case it is a directory.

Listing Snapshots:

lxc info my-container

Deleting Snapshots:

lxc delete my-container/snapshot-name

Renaming a Container:

lxc rename my-container new-container-name

Connecting to a Remote LXD Host:

lxc remote add remote-name remote-host

Managing Containers on a Remote Host:

lxc remote list
lxc remote show remote-name
lxc remote remove remote-name

Monitoring Container Resource Usage:

lxc monitor --type=container my-container

Creating a Container from an Image:

lxc init my-custom-image my-new-container

Exporting a Custom Image:

lxc image export my-custom-image my-custom-image.tar.gz

Moving Containers to Different Storage Pools:

lxc move my-container my-new-container --target new-storage-pool

Container Configuration Overrides:

lxc config set my-container limits.memory 2GB
lxc config unset my-container limits.memory

Creating a Custom Bridge Network:

lxc network create my-custom-bridge ipv4.address= ipv4.nat=true

Assign a specific IP address to a container.

lxc config device add my-container eth0 nic nictype=bridged parent=my-custom-bridge name=eth0 ipv4.address=

Running a Container in Privileged Mode:

lxc config set my-container security.privileged true
lxc start my-container

Creating a Container Backup:

lxc export my-container /path/to/backup-directory

Restoring a Container from Backup:

lxc image import /path/to/backup-file --alias my-restored-container
lxc init my-restored-container my-restored-container-name

Listing Available Images on a Remote Server:

lxc remote list my-remote-server
lxc image list my-remote-server:

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